Media Rank - madYTB ( 5K )

Channel link:

Number of subs: 5k

Average number of views per vid: 2k / 3k

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: 3 years

Servers for which you have created content: AverFight / SkillPvP / VeltPvP / Simplehg & more

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?

A lot of subs and a great community

not the format you’ll get denied if you don’t use it.


I think you would be great for media because you create content regularly and have a large following.
Not judging you based off of the application since English isn’t your primary language.

You will want to bold the questions to set them apart, and give an actual answer to how long you have been making videos (not 98 obviously) Lol. Otherwise, good job!

You have met all of our criteria for Media; I’m concerned, however about your use of inappropriate language. Your vids appear to begin with “les negros!” and you’ve already been muted on Munchy for “suicide threats/encouragement”.

I’d like to give you the Media rank, but I need your assurance that when in game, you will remain appropriate.

The suicide stuff was a joke and yeah i’ll be more mature.

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I’ve given you Media.