Media MinelandsGaming (BielbowTheGreat)

Channel link:

Number of subs:
Average number of views per vid:
How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers:
I Have been editing for like 5 years, Minecraft content on server for 3 years.
Servers for which you have created content:
What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?
Becuase, i wanne make funny moment’s on the server. I have great idea’s and i promised my viewers to make funny moment’s. So yeah! :smiley:

(My main channel language is dutch)

Strictly states that you can have no lower than 500 subs.


Doesn’t meet the sub requirement.
Overall good application


  • Lack of detail in certain categories
  • Is it in Dutch but like you said you can make videos in English.
  • Close to the minimum sub requirement.

Get the extra 42 subs, and I think you’ll be golden

Hello @BielbowTheGreat, please continue to build your channel, particularly the view count, and reapply in the future. Good luck to you!