Map 8 Sneak Peek #3

Obivously not. There will just be an item with their name. I know its your first map and all but if they got the legendary right off the bat they will most likely be #1 ranked AGAIN because they got a humongous head start.

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its optional its not like you only get /safety if you have savage and above

It won’t have their name, it will have a name they decide that suits the item and the admins agree with. I don’t think it will have their ign as the actual name but it might have it in the lore

yeah like it wont be shoblette pickaxe. It will be something that flows and sounds like an actual item if that makes sense.

Isn’t supposed to be named after them, to me that means its gonna have there name in it, one way or another.

Shob pick OP


What’s the point of him chosing a name of an item that has to correspond to the theme. There’s literally no prize.

Nah. Ranks for this server are quite expensive and the past couple of maps have been lacking in actual reason to get a rank. Any new thing that makes mafia actually worth 100 dollars is welcome because the crates sure arent worth it.