Map 7-9 Items to Map 10

Hello @everything
If you could add a item from Map 7-9 (Only those maps cause those are the only maps where I remember every item smh) to Map 10, what would it be and why?


Cm belt - obvious reasons (it were legs with which you could fly around)
Groot branch - made my farming life a lot easier (it upgraded drugs as well as it was a magnet)
Reality Stone - looked pretty :3 (and good for looting to! Double W)

And Shoblettes pickaxe bc it had her name on it :wink:

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I would add mal leg as an ultra ofc :roll_eyes:

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Tom Riddle Pickaxe.

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What’s that?

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guard sword
ok i’m not funny if i had to choose an actual item maybe snow white pick cause it’s really satisfying to mine with even tho i don’t mine a lot, and also i like the idea of combining powers of other pickaxes into one. idk if this existed in previous maps this is my first one


Yes I like that you need to combine 7x epics to get an ultra. Hopefully something similar will be added next map.


When i played map 8, i liked cm belt it was fun to just fly around in

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@everything add something like deadpool pick back, it looks fun

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It was fun, but it made like 2m per hour

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If i recall correctly it made every single block you mined turn into the one you were standing on, was a mythical from map 7

I would add Voldemort Skull, easily the coolest of the three “Shift for speed” mythicals

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boss staff + snape eyes/snapelegs combo of course

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You sir, have a good memory. :) what makes an item a cool “shift for speed” item?

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  • Tinkerbell’s Bell (It’s just a brilliant item, I love how I can pot myself fastly because I suck at moving pots to my hotbar)
  • Snow White’s Radiant Ribbon (Allows me to make bank with all those extra bones cracked and extra abundant harvests)
  • RedVelvet’s Cake (I like how it can provide additional sell boost and the risk involved - so you can either get a negative sellboost and lose potential money or thrive with extra money to come)
  • Puss In Boot’s Blade (The speed - shall I say more??)
  • Mal Wings combined with Easter Bunny feet and Merlin’s Staff (First off, the wings are so nice. I love how I can just jet away and fly thorugh the sky. However, when combined with EB Feet and Merlin Staff – it’s more speedy and allows you to stay in the sky longer)
  • Easter Bunny Feet (It’s a fun thing to wear if you want to pester people during PvP sessions because you can just speed off or hop away - like the jump boost is fire :fire:)

Not a map 7-9 Item, but Han Solo Boots (Map 2 and 5) were definitely my favorite all time item. It allows you to bhop passively, and in my opinion was the most fun movement ability in prison history.


Omni man stache :D


I love omni man!

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