Mal Legs

Mal legs is an extremely overpowered and unfair item that requires a nerf or some fixes. The outside world is supposed to be a dangerous area with high risk and high reward, but Mal legs eliminates the risk factor and only provides rewards. Killing and dying are meant to be part of the outside world, as shown in the picture below, but Mal legs have made it almost impossible to kill anyone since almost every player outside has them.

Whilst its common knowledge that you can’t hit players with mal legs and they cant hit you, there are ways that people with mal legs use to be a part of fights / kill you. I’ve multiple times went outside to hunt the few players that loot with somewhat valuable items that don’t have access to mal legs. The fight goes well and I have a pretty high chance to kill the player, but then the mal legs users fly to their friends in a minute. They proceed to gun me down with elsa scepter so that their friend can either run to refill/get inside or make me unable to run inside due to me having my sprint reset every .5 seconds due to being shot by snowballs, which also gives me the freeze effect. So running inside is way more difficult, how do I survive? I could try hide and /logout, but that hardly works aswell because their flight is so fast and they find me in seconds and shoot me with elsa scepter again so my logout is interrupted.
Even without friends there to attack you, they can still kill you. Whilst wearing mal legs you might not be able to attack with a sword, and elsa scepter doesnt do any damage. But if they use spawn eggs such as muscle zombie and ghast eggs they can deal a bunch of damage, and they can make this way more effective by using mummys bandage since it doesnt affect them. They can also throw elsa frost whilst wearing mal legs to freeze you so you cant run from the ghasts, or again make it harder to run from a fight.

They can affect fights in so many ways, without having any risk themselves and it needs a change before the map is over.

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I do think elsa scepters shouldnt be able to work on players, if the attacker has mal legs. You hardly stand a chance and there is nothing that can be done to stop the mal legs user.


I agree with Inno here, you should not be able to influence a fight while wearing maleficent legs but what would your idea be for a nerf don’t just say that it needs a nerf say what should be changed. Since you’re complaining about the pvp aspect I think that that Inno suggested is right.

I do agree with you that mal legs are quite good but they are an extinct the rarest type of item in the game. And there are still many people that loot without mal legs you’re just not on when it happens.


I believe it shouldn’t have a pvp aspect if they cannot be attacked themselves. As dumb as invincible looting is, that is enough to be considered an exctinct and its not worth fighting for really.

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Hello 2086.

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Just die with mal legs at hospital :man_shrugging:

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As a frequent user of Mal legs, I completely agree they are ridiculously powerful. But, you have to think about this a few different ways:
While it’s insanely powerful, it is an extinct after all, and @TheRedVelvetCake did mention that the odds were higher than intended; there were only supposed to be maybe 2-3 found. I like the idea of “you win” when you find an item with a 1/35m chance, and I think they should implement that with extinct rares in future maps, as long as they significantly limit the amount that are found.

On the other hand, BECAUSE so many have been found, this item has single handedly ruined the outside map for hunters, and this is coming from someone who always gets hunted and killed outside. However, for the players who don’t have access to mal legs, they are still at risk, meaning that there are still chances to hunt and kill players outside. Before I got access to mine, I had to learn how to use my items and eventually comfortably looted outside with mythicals, and I got jumped a few times. Essentially what I’m trying to say here is that it doesn’t COMPLETELY eliminate the competition, the rest of the 90% of the server who don’t have mal legs still have to know how to pvp and use their items.

Moral of the story is in my opinion, mal legs were a great idea that could have had better execution. Again, it was the first extinct to ever exist, and now it’s shaping what the future of prison could look like in terms of looting odds.


That 90% doesn’t even loot :sob:


Is anyone actually reading this man’s post, all he’s saying since mal legs are so OP it’s crazy they can still use some pvp items.

The fact they can was probably a developer oversight in the first place.

Idk who papaQT is and I got no horse in this race, but he isn’t asking for them to be removed, he’s asking to be able to hunt without offending an unstoppable god.


He’s not asking for them to be removed though, he just wants them to not influence pvp with else scepter or other items that summon stuff.

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keep crying


do u not remember the obey quote buddy…

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“The outside world is supposed to be a dangerous area with high risk and high reward, but Mal legs eliminates the risk factor and only provides rewards. Killing and dying are meant to be part of the outside world, as shown in the picture below, but Mal legs have made it almost impossible to kill anyone since almost every player outside has them.” -papaQT

That’s where I got the assumption, but you’re right the rest of the post doesn’t necessarily complain about that.

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yeah no worries, I get that much. I was just tryna point out that it wasnt another complaint about no mal legs counter but rather a complain about how some mal leg users influence the outcome of a fight with mal legs.

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if its not found by you dont showitem

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Dragon union is in pain atm