_MackMack_'s Build Application D:

Of course I do understand this, thank you for helping out. My problem is though, the people who can open and close applications aren’t doing so, causing people to wait 3-5 months for no reply. I really do appreciate everything that builders do for this server but to the builders that can review build applications, please just take a little bit of time out of your day to do so. And if there aren’t ANY players on the build team who have the ability to review applications, why would you leave them open in the first place and wait for people to submit applications expecting a response?

Thanks for all the kind words guys! Remember you are awesome and no one should be able to tell you different :heartbeat::heartbeat::sparkles: I am really happy with all of the support on this and it is a tough situation but I know the munchymc community and team will get through this :fist: