_MackMack_'s Build Application D:

I’m sorry you have to wait this long :confused:

I’ve been trying to get the applications reviewed for you guys for a while now, but unfortunately with no luck.


I’m also really sorry that all these application left open with out any response and I’m also sorry that your applications has become a place for discussion over the server management. I also know that most builders are unhappy with the way things are going right now.

Just to point that out again, being an active senior builder, I have no perms to accept/ deny nor to close applications.I have the same perms everyone else in the forum has and that is to comment. Like I said before, I can review applications, but from my experience my opinion can be really different from the final decision and therefor won’t help you at all with knowing if you will get accepted or not.
Permwise the only difference between s. builders and builders is, that you get a different rank color on the build server and might be the first considered for bigger projects. We don’t have any other perms than any other builder on the server ( you are supposed to get invis as a perm on the build server, but sadly that hasn’t worked for me so far). Only people in managing positions have perms to make decisions over the build apps. I’m the “newest” s. builder, so I’m not sure how things went in the past, but I personally never got told or asked to review any apps by higher-ups. My opinion is as valid as any other builders opinion.

While it’s true that a bunch of s. builders are inactive, most of the big projects have been build by s. builders this year (prison spawn, surv. spawn and some other stuff) and they have put an enormous amount of time into this server.
Therefore I don’t think it is fair to point the responsibility to s. builders. We - s. builders and builders - are lacking management as much as the build apps right now.

If you want I can review you app, but like I said it won’t make any difference right now. The only thing you might get out of it are some new inspirations or views.


Hopefully, this gets reviewed before 2023 rolls around.


I’ve passed this on and I have it on good authority and I can confirm a new build manager will be in charge and will be getting back to all applications soon!


Of course I do understand this, thank you for helping out. My problem is though, the people who can open and close applications aren’t doing so, causing people to wait 3-5 months for no reply. I really do appreciate everything that builders do for this server but to the builders that can review build applications, please just take a little bit of time out of your day to do so. And if there aren’t ANY players on the build team who have the ability to review applications, why would you leave them open in the first place and wait for people to submit applications expecting a response?

Thanks for all the kind words guys! Remember you are awesome and no one should be able to tell you different :heartbeat::heartbeat::sparkles: I am really happy with all of the support on this and it is a tough situation but I know the munchymc community and team will get through this :fist:




Okay so basically, I have spoken to @BadBoyHalo through discord, and he has informed me there is a new build manager who has been chosen. They should be going through applications in the next week or so, and I am glad I have been informed about this. This has demonstrated better communication. I am going to continue with this application in hopes for a good result. Thank you Badboyhalo for showing a strive to communicate and do better for this wonderful community and server. I hope I get accepted but even if I don’t, this was one heck of a ride lol.


snack mack +1 cool person


if this dude don’t get accepted i swear to god


But in all seriousness, there is a player that has been waiting since APRIL. That is a lot longer than I have waited so when the new build manager begins reviewing applications, review @l_otachan_l ‘s build application first.

I hope whoever is reading this has had a fun New Years celebration :tada:


I for sure did, and man I hope you two get accepted!


I’m done, I understand you would accept this application because otherwise the community would be angry if you made me wait all this time and denied me. My skills are not appreciated here and I am done with this. Good luck to the other people with dreams of becoming builder, I hope you’re accepted before 2046 :grin::tada:

I am no longer applying for builder and nothing you can offer me will change my mind. :v:


no longer applying