Lukeloaf Application for Media Rank

Channel link:

My IGN is lukeloaf

Number of subs: 1.9k

Average number of views per vid: For streams I normally get 200 views. Sometimes it’ll be closer to 500 after streams. During streams it’s close to 20 people.

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: About 2 months.

Servers for which you have created content: Highpixel and MunchyMC

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?

I stream it decent amount, and I love to play Woolwars. Love the community on there. Maybe someday I will apply helper, but I do help people in the server if they ask a question anyways.
I make other munchy content on my youtube, but it doesn’t have enough subs there to qualify for that.
Link if you wanna check it out:



As far as I can see you only streamed once on Munchy, I recommend streaming a bit more before u apply.

I would recommend you bolden your questions

Heya lukeloaf!

After taking a look at your channel, we don’t feel you’re quiet ready for joining the media team yet. But if you’re interested in getting a 2 week trial please go ahead and message me on discord ( EeveeNoises#0014 ).

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