LilChibi's Helper Application (January 2022)

Prerequisite checklist:

- Have you been a regular player on MunchyMC for at least one month?:
I have been online for an hour at least every 2 days for the last month, so I believe I have been a regular player.

- Are you able to record and upload good quality videos of hackers?:
I am able to upload good quality videos of hackers, and other cheaters when I am available.

- Do you have TeamSpeak3 and Discord downloaded and are competent with them?:
I have discord downloaded and will be fine speaking to you guys, a warning though is my mic is awful, but if it comes down to it I will speak to other people.


Can you use a microphone for an interview?:
Yes, if needed I will use a microphone for a interview

Role you are interested in (Helper or JMod):

Server you are interested in moderating (pick ONE):

How active can you be per week?
I can be very active during the week, but I have a few constraints, they are as followed:
Monday - Friday: I will not be able to get on from 6:00am - 4:45 pm due to school. It may be extended a little bit if I need to do homework.

Do you have any punishments on our network? If so, please describe your side of story:
I have been server muted a few times on the MunchyMC network, most of those times was simply for spamming, while others were for slurs/words that I still frown upon myself for ever stooping down to that level to say them. One of the slurs I said was to Sway ( If I remember correctly) while playing Wool Wars, it was a heated 1v1 between me and another person, and he shows up out of nowhere to take the win, again, I still frown upon that moment. Oh, I have also been banned before due to me testing my autoclicker with my cousin, Ign : theSphinxInator. I was having a lot of fun with it until I realized I was on a public server, so I turned it off not wanting to cause anymore trouble, but it was too late and I was banned.

Have you applied for this role before? If so, please explain the steps you have taken to improve as an applicant since your last application:
I have not tried for this role before, but I have tried out for the event team role. Even though this isn’t the same thing, I believe I have come more prepared for this application with more prior knowledge.

What do you think your reputation is like within the community?
I think I am pretty well known in the community, I try to act as warmly as possible to people, unless they were toxic to me first then I become more toxic. I have tried to tone this down but I am still working on it!
Why are you interested in the role and what motivated you to apply?
I am interested in this role because I want to become a active member in the munchy community and want to create a more tight-nit sort of family. And my motivation to apply was talking with Sizzle and a few other people about possibly applying for Helper Role.

Out of 10 (with 10 being very knowledgeable), how would you rate your knowledge on moderating a community?
If I were to rate myself based on my knowledge of moderating a community, I would say a 7/10. The reason is that I used to be a helper on CubeCraft for two years, until I barely played that server anymore so I resigned to open up more spots for other members of the CubeCraft community.

Out of 10 (with 10 being very knowledgeable), what would you rate your knowledge on Minecraft hacks and cheats, including finding and identifying cheaters?
I would rate myself with identifying cheaters would be a 7/10. The reason is I have grown to adapt to what cheats look like on my time on anarchy servers, which for the people who don’t know a anarchy server where all hacks are allowed minus fly and a few others. Now, I obviously can’t detect right away if someone is using like 3.1 or 3.2 reach, but I am used to detecting auto soupers due to my main kit being Viper, which makes it very obvious to detect that, but when I try to report them they either leave the server or get banned right on the spot due to being obvious with hacking.
Hacks that I can list/spot easily:

  • Autosoup - what this hack does is, if you are on a server were soup heals you, ex. Lunar and Munchy, it automatically “eats” a soup the moment any damage is taken, even if it is a simple punch.
  • Killaura - This hack basically automatically aims and attacks all entities / players in your swing radius ( changeable depending on client )
  • Reach - The hack “Reach” as the name implies, can give someone a further hit distance, the maximum radius you can hit someone from without hacks is 3 blocks. The user is able to extend this to like 7 or 8 blocks if they wanted to
  • AntiKB - The way knockback works is simple: you get hit, you go backwards, this can be lessened by cps or w / s tapping, but AntiKB removes the knock back you are taking, making combos on the user nearly impossible, and makes fights a lot harder on the legit player.
  • Jesus - This hack is pretty simple, it lets you walk on lava or water
  • Wall - This hack allows you to track players and locate them thought blocks, you can even hit them through the wall depending on the client.
  • Fly - Again, another self-explanatory one, this hack allows you to fly without the use of Falcon kit.

Please link us to any hacker reports you have made (recorded and/or reported) on MunchyMC:
Apologies, but I forgot how to do this part, but I hope the people going over this Application have a great day.

Edit: Space in between each question and grammatical errors.
Edit 2: bullet points.
Edit 3: common detectable hacks and what they do.


I think you seem like a good applicant because of your prior experience :)
I feel like it may be a bit hard to get accepted with not being able to be active sometimes, but nevertheless I wish you luck! :D

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Thankyou for the feedback


Omg u might get in before me :o

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chibi deserves a plus one but she’s a clan hopper.
if she stays in pluto clan this plus one stays





  • Very Friendly
  • Mature
  • Could work on your activity though
    Good luck!
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Hi CHIBI!!! :D THIS IS SIM! :D i think im gonna give you a 0.5+ because i dont see you so much on munchy anymore :(, BUT LOVE YOU <3

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  • Such a nice person and very caring!
  • Not toxic at all and definitely do a good job as a helper
  • Active
  • Very mature and holds a great reputation
    Good Luck CHIBI <3!!
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In my opinion… Chibi would be a great asset to the team! Here’s why:

  • Mature
  • Super kind and responsive…
  • Has been part of the community for ages
  • Unproblematic and kind
  • And overall … A great person (I cannot repeat this enough to show how kind she is)
    Chibi would be a great HELPER and deserves this spot almost as much as anyone else!
    Goodluck Cibi :smiley:


  • well written application!
  • mature
  • very nice and kindhearted!

good luck chibi!


LilChibi is such a kind person every time I log onto kit

+1 from me :)

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+1 shes a very nice person and would be a real good fit.

Hey there Chibi! Thank you for the application, I can tell you took your time on it, and I appreciate that!

I think you’d fit in the KitPvP team quite well, therefore I’m going to go ahead and accept your application!

Please contact me on discord so we can discuss your promotion in further detail!

Congrats and welcome to the team!


Congrats :heart:

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Congrats, Chibi!! :confetti_ball:

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Congrats Chibi! :partying_face:

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