kZach's 1st Event Team Application

+1 good player give admin

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  • Very nice
  • Active
  • Mature
  • Has lots of knowledge
    I think you would be a great fit for the event team! Goodluck Zach!
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idk how active you are on kitpvp though, from the replies I see not much. Good luck :+1:

edit: just noticed it didn’t seem to save the first part, but I was just saying how you were kind, mature and have good knowledge about all the things, etc.

+.5 You are nice, trustworthy. But I haven’t seen you on for a second.


My reasons behind this Rating!

  • Mature in Chat! (we won’t talk about VC’s alr? :kissing_heart: )
  • Really Friendly
  • Helpful! (Even helps on Woolwars!)
  • QT :smirk:
  • 69

I Love you Zach!

oHycx (HenryDaKitPlayer) :heart: :monkey:


+1 Zach’s very kind and in my experience quite active on KitPVP and definitely knowledgeable on its many features. I think he’d make a great event member

Goodluck :+1:


You used to be a woolwars main when you applied for staff in May and seemed to be a woolwars main, I didn’t recognise you in kitpvp before the event applications opened. I assume you are turning into a kitpvp main now if you apply for event, but if you apply for staff next season for woolwars… then you are quite weird and special. Dont switch between gamemodes when applying for a position when you are applying for ONE gamemode, its just weird and isn’t gonna increase your chances.

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I’m sorry but this makes no sense, recently I have played way more kitpvp as well as woolwars. It is perfectly normal for people to apply for staff for multiple different servers and get accepted. Just because I apply for staff on woolwars because I would rather be staff on there doesn’t mean I don’t play kitpvp. With this logic people who get staff on woolwars shouldn’t be able to get event down the line? I play kit basically everyday and so I wanna try getting event, is that such a bad thing?


-1 gets defensive towards feedback

Good application
Well known
As far as I know active (not mine timezone)
Lots of experience
Good luck Zach!!



  • Good application
  • Mature
  • Friendly
  • I think you could be more active on KitPvP specifically

Good luck!


Enough Details
Never seen toxic.



I can’t comment on activity as i don’t play kit, but i think Zach is a good fit for the event team, he is well known, good willing and has a lot of knowledge about the event team, i think you could improve on maturity just a slightly bit, but other then that i think you’re a great fit!

Good luck mr.zach!


0.5 could improve on activity
Good luck

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lmao I’m sorry but I don’t think he should be judged for trying to make a valid argument.


He just don’t handle criticism very well. He lash back at it and get defensive.

I think he’s handling it well by explaining stuff that wasn’t clear… and weren’t you the one who got your application closed because you couldn’t handle the feedback?

If you wish to go on with this argument, please message me on discord. (miyaki#5459)


I closed my Application because i was going on a 2 week vecation smh

Thought it was worth pointing out I finished up where I was working yesterday so I can be more active now.


Incredibly active
Very nice
overall very thoughtful and one of the sweetest people i’ve voice chatted with.
hope this guy gets accepted.