KitPVP -: Kit Ideas

:grin::two_hearts: I think that it would be such a fun idea to make a kit in KitPVP called “hulk.”This would give the player no weapon but strength 2. And whenever a player right clicks the ground (with a cool-down) the players in the nearest 5 blocks get boosted up 5 blocks in the air. This would be super cool because it makes the KitPVP experience more “edge of the seat” like. :test_tube::jigsaw:
Another kit that you could create is the “Cheetah” kit, This kit will give the player an iron sword and a pair of gold boots (the gold boots would and could not be worn by the player, only held.) and when the player left clicks, they will get speed 80 for 3 seconds. This is good because the player can get into/out of fights in the blink of and eye and the dust of a cheetah bolting into the distance. :leopard:

These kits are just some cool suggestions that I think could improve the player experience on MunchyMc KitPVP. :smiley: :hugs:


The idea of the Hulk kit sounds very cool!
For Cheetah I personally think it’s a bit too close to dash kit though!


Oh I completely forgot about Dash Kit haha :joy:

+1111 on the hulk kit

and +1 on Cheetah just because lol