Kitchen tryna become an Event Member!

IGN and past IGN’s:

Current: Kitchen
Other accounts: Lion, Lauchy


+10 GMT (AEST)

How often can you host events:

Whenever I’m bored, the server seems a little dry or when people request events to be started.

What sets you apart from other applicants:

I’m just another one of those members tryna make the community a fun place ig, just wanna host a shit ton of events for fun

What can you bring to MunchyMC as an Event Member:

I can bring events, lots of events, I’ll just host events. Or help out wherever needed, but start events is what I’ll do.

Give us one or more examples of an Event Member(s) doing something positive (I.E. Hosting an event when you asked, allowing you to become the slayer in RR, etc.):

I’d volunteer in events if no one wanted to do the dirty work, I’d once again, host events. I’ll moderate events like sumo or other events for people that lag out and hold up the line, or camp and purposely make the game time consuming.

Anything else you would like to add:

Bro everyone puts so much detail into these applications holy crap, just some guy tryna host events a lot more consistently fr

Yo I posted this on the wrong forums account but it’s meant to be for this account Kitchen

I feel you bro

I still do think you should add some more information into the

Try not to swear in applications because it makes you seem gross,and also you answered this question incorrectly;

This one is asking what current event member has done something for you. For example, @Brush_Your_Teeth hosted sumo for me when I asked ( blah blah blah ).

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Application Denied, add more detail to your next application.