Kitcaaat's Event Team Application

Hey Kitcaaat!

Your application was very good!
Here is what I have to say.


  • You’re joyful
  • You’re helpful
  • You mature
  • Detailed application
  • Positive player


  • None

I rate a +2 for the reasons above

Good Luck!

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someones a bitter little troll

Guys remember this Kitcaaat’s Application, so please don’t argue on her post. Take it to DMs if you want to. @NapkinOfVembz and @SafeKungz

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+1 kitcat has been very active in the community and always makes sure to help people where she can! Make her admin…if not admin, I guess an event member is fine for now

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Your really nice !
You also seem super genuine and would greatly contribute to the event team!
Amazing personality !
BestofLuck - Kraigs

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Thank you everyone who has left feedback. It is greatly appreciated! Love you all <3

nice person, active player, is a qt



you are an nice person and about the jokes i have myself (im lesbian) once or twice said a “you are gay” joke and me and my girlfriend often switch it and say “you are straigt” to each other when we joke around and it’s like “if you Think this you’re straigt”

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Kind to some players and active, yeah sure, but you are definitely not that mature. Screenshots of Napkin proof how toxic you are in chat sometimes. You gotta work on that a bit more.
Also Minechat isn’t the best way to host events. If you want to host events properly, you gotta be at your pc/laptop.



+1 Genuinely nice person. Active player. Good app.

+1 u like my skin

very nice
super chill
sooo fresh

+0.5, I do think you would be a great event member. But before this season of applications opened, you had tended to be very toxic in chat. Now that the apps have opened, I’m not seeing this in chat anymore and seeing a completely different person. Regardless, best of luck.



For the following reasons:

  • Great application.
  • You’re very active.
  • The interactions I’ve had with you in-game have always been great, and you’re super kind and friendly towards everyone! Overall you have an amazing personality.

I also noticed you acknowledged prior comments that you had made in-game and such, but you said you’re working on that and everybody can change. I’m glad you noticed it and said that you’re working on it. It really shows you’re mature and trying to change your image.

Best of luck, and I hope you get in! :heart:

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Nothing needs to be said. All good things… The small mistake you made before was very trivial and you deserve to be back on the team. Granted, I have not seen you in game for a long time. This judgement is based off what I have seen of you in late late late 2019.


Epic person
Mature enough
Is awesome (cat99) >=D

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My overall rating is +0.8
You’re a nice person and very kind to most, but i’ve seen you be toxic to others before, and i’ll admit that i haven’t seen any toxicity from you recently. Good luck!

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+1 After talking to you I think you are a very kind and nice person who Is respectful and deserves the rank.

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If you do get the rank You have to let me hit the lever and teleport me after I loose.

Sincerely, Neo

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I think these screenshots are a bit outdated and she has had some time to mature up. I say this because you captured my clock tag in one of those screenshots. We haven’t had that specific color scheme of a tag since forever ago.