Katriddle's Build Team Application

IGN: Katriddle

Timezone: PST

Discord Name: katriddle#7695

How long have you played MunchyMC?: I’ve been playing off and on since July of 2019!

How active can you be per week?: I can be on daily for around 2-3 hours :smiley:

Do you have any punishments on our Network? If so, what for?: Nope!

Please link a portfolio of all your most recent build projects:

Please tell us more about your FAVOURITE and PROUDEST build:
My favorite build would probably have to be my aquarium nodebuff map in the first portfolio! It is one of my most recent builds, but I’ve heard a lot of good things about it. <3 I created that map for mythic, and the server cavepvp put it into their server as well because they’re connected and they liked the build. Honestly its been the most seen/used map that I have personally made solo, so that’s probably a big reason as to why I love it the most :grin:

How experienced are you with World Edit, Voxel and other building plugins?:
Very experienced! I’ve been using voxel for 3 and a half years, and I definitely know my way around WE. I know other common ones as well such as gobrush.

Describe your build specialty and weaknesses (detailing, terraforming, structures, etc.):
I would say that one of my specialties is definitely objects/organics. I absolutely love working on smaller details that impact builds greatly, such as random coffee cups, or dragons flying around. I would also say that I am very strong at terraforming, and I really love to terraform unique builds. I could definitely work a bit on structures, but I wouldn’t say that I’m terrible at them :grin:
What is your history of building? If applicable, which build teams and/or servers have you worked for in the past?
I’ll rank them newest to oldest:

Mythic: I was a head builder for a few months, until I stepped away and became builder so I could focus on finishing college :D

Smpu: I was a main organizer/manager; I helped organize and manage the build team

Milkyway: I was a builder on my friends server to gain experience, and to help him start out builds for his server.

Baldy: I was a head builder for about a year

On a scale of 1-10, how well do you work with others? Please expand upon in your answer:
I would say probably a 9 or a 10. I do really well working with others, and it definitely was something I’ve learned over the past year or two. I’ve worked with many different people whether IRL or on a server recently, and I just definitely have a heart for community and teamwork!
Have you applied for Builder before? If so, what was your reason for denial? How have you looked at improving since?
Yes! I applied last year in July, and I wasn’t what you guys were looking for at the time. Honestly while I was a bit bummed, I’m grateful that I didn’t get accepted, because it lead me to different paths that I learned a lot from! I really have improved, and I just wanted to see what the answer was a year later <33


I’m not sure if you’re friends with Virale or something but I’m quite confused on why their name is in your chat. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


However, if they’re not plagiarized they’re amazing builds and I would love to see you on the build team :)


I feel like I’ve seen your builds before, but if they are not plagiarised I will be giving you a +1

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I did my invaded test with him! That’s why he’s in the chat. <3

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Thank you!! I’ve applied before, and a few of them have been used in the servers I build for, so you could’ve run across them at one point :yellow_heart:

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nice! Good Luck :)

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thank you!

Impressive portfolio, good luck! :gorilla::+1:

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thnx!! :D

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Those builds look pretty good! I think you would be great for the build team +1

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Thank you!!

Hi Katriddle!
I like those builds very much! It would be nice to have you on the build team :smiley:

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Thanks!! :D

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Nice builds, but I feel you could use some work with terrain and show a few more structures. But overall nice application! Good luck


Thanks for the advice!! If I don’t get accepted this time, I’ll definitely look into creating more builds that showcase more of my abilities on creating structures and terraforms! I’m always looking to improve, so I appreciate the feedback! :yellow_heart:

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Nice! Really like the builds but would love to see some builds with trees and houses.

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Thanks! I spent a lot of time working on pvp servers, so my portfolio mainly consists of builds like that, but I agree that I should add some of those into my portfolio! <3

Hey @Katriddle, after reviewing your application I’ve decided to accept it. :tada:

Please message Mikeal on discord (mike.#2707) to set up a trial. Good luck!


WOOOOOOOO GRATS :partying_face:

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Congrats & good luck :partying_face:

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