Joshy's Event Application

Well my plan is, getting the event rank, then go for Moderator. Because it would prove that i can handle players on a daily basis.
Thanks for your criticism @bikeski :heart:

imagine using grammar mistakes as a reason to -1. yall just want extra points on your next staff app you are going to make


Like I said in my rating, I don’t think using event to prove you will be a good staff is ok. I think you should focus on being staff, or you can apply for both, but only if you actually want to and like to host events. If staff think this is a good idea for you to be event first they will probably tell you, or offer you event but deny your staff application.


Like many people have mentioned: the list of events is so incredibly unnecessary. Keep it short - medium length. Include the major things, not the minor things. Fix the grammar, it looks like you copy and pasted from your last one > fixed some of the grammar mistakes > and without any revision, you posted it once again.

-1 from me Joshy


Well… there are other reasons. We just don’t talk about them :smile:


Uhhhh I mean before he had a shit ton of grammar mistakes. We told him to fix them and he fixed some of them. That’s worse than the first time am I wrong?

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Oh, okay i understand! Thanks @bikeski :heart:

Don’t advertise your own application on somebody else’s application, it makes you look bad.


I’m sorry


thats one of them bud

also -1 you’re super annoying and obnoxious, and aren’t you like eleven year twelve

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Application denied. Unfortunately, we do not feel like you meet the activity or maturity requirements to become an event team member.

Dm me on discord for more information.

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