JetFlets applicantion media rank

Channel link:

Number of Followers: 218

Average number of views per vod 250 and i avg 8 viewers per stream

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: i started today because i used to play this server and didn’t stream it because i mained and other type of server
Servers for which you have created content: kitpvp,woolwars

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? because i enjoy playing on this sever, an other reason that i would like media rank because i would help me put out more content and better thing to do and i do twitch and i stream kinda everyday.

Hey there! We recommend you add more details to your application and also please include your YouTube channel link!


ok i did

If I’m not wrong, you need to have been making content for Munchy for much longer than just one day!

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yea ik just wanted to apply to see

Heya JetFIet!

At the time we don’t feel you meet the requirements for joining the media team yet, We would like to see you make more MunchyMC content and grow your channel a bit more before re-applying! Good luck, hoping to see you apply again in the future! If you have any questions feel free to message me on discord ( EeveeNoises#0014 ).

Please wait 1 month before re-applying