Iusehuzuni media application

Channel link: www.youtube.com/iusehuzuni

Number of subs: 18,400

Average number of views per vid: 20-30k

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: no videos on munchy yet, have been doing youtube for years though

Servers for which you have created content: MinemenClub, Lunar, Hypixel

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I can bring new players to the server


OMG I used to watch his minemenclub videos all day! He is such good content creator! Try to make 1 or 2 videos on munchy and you’ll get the rank!

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No Munchy content on your channel and it is required to have at least 3 videos on Munchy.



You have to at least have 5 minutes worth of MunchyMC content, for a minimum of 3 videos and the server link in the description to be eligible.


I do watch and enjoy your content, however you do need 3 videos on MunchyMC in order to be eligible for Media rank.

So unfortunately I have to give u a -1 for now.


Your content seems good the only thing I would suggest is making content on Munchy before applying

Good luck!


Hello iusehuzuni!

Unfortunately, we’re going to have to deny your application at the time.

After reviewing your channel, we found that you have no MunchyMC content at all and it is a requirement to create MunchyMC content monthly.

If you have any questions feel free to message me. Please wait 1 month before re-applying!