ItsNotJoshy's Event Team Appilcation

Do you ever stop to think that maybe you should rewrite your application instead of copying and pasting the same application over and over? You say want to be dedicated to the server yet you can’t even rewrite your application for the server you’re so greatly dedicated too. On another note, you said,

“I do wish I can change how people think of me. But I can’t force that and that’s something that changes over time and not in one day.”

Yeah, you’re right, it does change over time, not just in two months. I think you just need to play as an actual player instead of constantly bugging staff / forums mod to review your application. You just need to relax, and play munchy, Joshy - Prove you are an actual dedicated and mature person outside of being staff. I’m sure as many people know a lot of staff members become insanely toxic after their demotion, but you on the other hand, have not been toxic. I think it’s a step in the right direction, but maturity wise you still aren’t there completely. This isn’t just criticism for your event application, this is for your staff application as well incase you ever do decide to apply again for staff.