ItsMiwo's Media Application

Channel link: Twitch

Number of Followers: 108 (It’s growing pretty fast xD)

Average number of viewers: 19-21 average viewers. Idk if VODS matter.

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers:. Recently about 2 months ago I’ve been doing strictly munchy bc tbh it’s what I enjoy the most. Since then, I have created around 20 high quality streams that did pretty well!.

Servers for which you have created content: Woolwars, KitPvP

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? What would make me a good candidate for Media on Munchy would be that I can bring new players in given that I will start streaming more on different servers, I can provide content on the server that isn’t complete garbage that will involve more ways with interacting with my viewers in the streams on the server and I would give off a pretty nice positive vibe towards the server! Thank you!


From the streams I’ve seen you are pretty toxic and wouldn’t represent the community in a good way, you also don’t meet the requirements. I like your channel though and I’m sure kn the future you have good things coming -1


According to socialblade future predictions, you’ll have about 500 followers in July, which is about 4 months from now.

You’ll hit 1500 followers (which is the YOUTUBE SUBCRIBERS REQUIREMENT that I crossed over into twitch followers because the media rank requirements didn’t list twitch) next year.

Though you are growing, I think you might need to grow some more before getting the rank.
It’s going to be a -1 from me, but I wish you good luck.


Thank you!


This is a good application, however like overs have said I think you should try and grow your channel a bit more. Good luck though =)


socialblade is wildly innaccurate lol, twitch growth is mostly a snowball effect which an algorithm can’t replicate

I’m going to pop in on a few streams in the future and leave my review then :sunglasses::+1:


While this is true, the thing they use to evaluate a growing channel is literally socialblade.

As seen here.

So therefore I also used it to see how much he’d grow. (according to it.)




Hey! We’re going to deny your application this time around. We feel your channel is not close enough to the requirements to be accepted yet. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me on discord. ( NoEffortName#7860 )

Please wait 1 month before reapplying