Iowa Media Application v2

Channel link: Iowa - YouTube

Number of subs: 164

Average number of views per vid: 100-250

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: 4 years, which is approximately from 2015 to the current year (2019).

Servers for which you have created content: Lemin, Strafe, MunchyMC, PvPLand, McPvP, Badlion, Kohi

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I’ve been playing MunchyMC for ages now and there aren’t many Media ranks that upload actual pvp videos, they are just usually imitations of BBH/Skeppy trolling videos. I like to include comedy in the titles of my videos somehow related to the music being used or the player I am fighting. For example, in this video:

I titled it Frenchie Gets Clowned because Kalex31 is a French player (also my amazing wife) who very obviously gets clowned.
I have also done a community video in which I asked all known players to 1v1 me back when competitive was still a thing.

I even have good analytics according to YouTube.Com! image

I would appreciate if I could have Media rank, regardless of if I do get the rank I will still upload many quality videos on this amazing Minecraft KitPvP Server.

-1 has previously been very toxic on all of his accounts hes gone onto and has doxed/ddosed admins and has been making alot of false accusations and cheating.

-1 apply when you reach the requierment of 500 subscribers
Edit: also your channel subscriber count is hidden so even you have the requiered amount of subscribers, the staff wont be able to confirm that.

I’m sorry but you do not currently meet our requirements for Media Rank. You may reapply at a later time once you meet the requirements.


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