InvizibleNinjaX's Media Application

Channel link:

Number of subs: 1389 As of right now

Average number of views per vid: The average is 309 views according to Social Blade

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: Quite a bit of time Now

Servers for which you have created content: I have created content a lot in for , vanitymc and some other random servers

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I think I would be a good fit because I am dedicated and very in the Minecraft community. I post content basically daily and I’m very family friendly and motivated. Also in the last month I have gotten of 45,000 minutes of Watch time.

Thank you for taking your time and considering my application

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It seems that you don’t meet one of the primary requirements of being a Media here on MunchyMC:

  • You must have been creating content for Munchy or other servers for at least one month

…which can be found on the Apply for Media Rank page, however it seems you already know this since you correctly followed the template! :smile:

Regardless of that requirement, I wish you the best of luck in getting Media! :heart:

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I do meet that requirement somewhat because I have made content on MunchMC a couple times in the last 30 days but it was not the title of the video

It started off as hypixel stream but later on in the streams I would play on MunchMC

Not sure if that affects the Application, but thanks for wishing me Luck <3

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Oh, my mistake then. I skimmed through your content quickly, so I didn’t quite see every detail about your streams. However, it’s still a good idea to make MunchyMC-oriented videos. Apologies!

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+.5. Love it. What servers on Munchy would you play on?

Sorry for the late response.
I can’t see any Munchy content in your recent videos or streams so your application will be denied.