imPrompted's Media Application :)

Channel link:

Number of subs: 1102

Average number of views per vid:
100 - 6.6k views. (Average is around 800 - 900.)

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers:
A year or so.

Servers for which you have created content:
Limit, Valux, and Mineman Club.

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?
I know, I know. Why is this guy play on PVP servers and boasts a lot? I was a bit toxic before and focused more on the MC PVP community. I lost interest into that part of the community (Way too toxic.), and want to get into party servers (Fun with FRIENDS, not PVP professionals.), so I decided, why not move my content over to this. Most of my fanbase is here for me, not my actual gaming.

I want to continue my Youtube channel into a different section, grow a different part of my fanbase. I can do weekly streaming, and giveaway’s. My entire goal of this is to get to know the community a lot better, and get them to form a close knit community.

Two extra things. I lost a subscriber. -_- 1101

And the reason why I haven’t uploaded is to slightly remove my toxic videos.

I would recommend making videos on munchy, and making longer videos. All your videos are less than 5 minutes, which it is required that you must make videos above 5 minutes long.

Also, get more acquainted with the community, and upload more.

Good luck!

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It would be great to see a Munchy vid from you; also, we’d love vids with some commentary or voice-overs rather than just 1v1’s, if possible.



Alrighty. I’ll make a few in the next few days.

Great to hear!

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Great application, I would reccomend making more videos on munchy! Im not gonna vote! GoOd LuCk! :slight_smile:

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Channel no longer exists.