
So, basically.
I was being a sort of detective and pointing out that someone called Smiidge was lying repeatedly. Then, I was told mean things like that I was an 11 year-old with no life. I was only trying to help, as some people felt upset by Smiidge impersonating the duplicate accounts. Unless I am misunderstood, I believe it is impersonation. I definitely believe that he/she was being inappropriate in the situation by following me around and doing a dance. I’m terribly confused on what they mean by ‘not impersonation’, but Smiidge was lying so much that I decided to check NameMC. His name was changed a few times, but stopped at Smiidge. Same blue Yoshi skin and all. It was also _Yoshi_YT and YoshiOfficial which I’m not sure about. He then said he had the skin before Smidge existed, but his name was only changed this year, 2019.
If I’m mistaken on if it was impersonation or not, I am terribly sorry and will apologize to Smiidge if I get the chance. But it evolved into bullying.
Sorry for wasting your time if you read this, but I feel hurt in the circumstances.


If you could provide some screenshots of mean things he said in another post he could be muted. Just because he says he is smidge and lying doesnt mean he will be muted, if you feel that he is annoying you simply /ignore him.