ImCapping Media Application

Channel link:

**Number of subs:**1066

**Average number of views per vid:**500-600

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers:

Servers for which you have created content: ViperHCF FaithfulHCF MineMen HolyHCF

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I would be able to try something new and bring new people into munchy hcf soup pvp is so much fun and even if you hate soup you can change it to pots so everyone can have a chance to use soup or pots and have fun on a good kitpvp server!

Hmm, there is no channel link and you haven’t created any content for Munchy yet or?

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I am sorry but you do not currently meet the requirements for media rank. Feel free to apply once more when you feel like you do meet our requirements in the future.
