ICreativeCrum's Media Application

Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/icreativecrum

Number of subs: 563

Average number of views per vid: 100

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I’ve posted a few videos on other servers a while ago, about 2-3 years

Servers for which you have created content: Hypixel, The Hive, Mineplex, StarMC and hopefully MunchyMC

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I’d love to help out making the server more popular, even if its the tinyest amount and it would really motivate me to continue my channel’s uploads! :slight_smile:

Sorry this is my alt account, if I get the rank please give it to ICreativeCrumYT instead of YT2

I would recommend adding videos from munchy. Good luck!!

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Thanks so much! Yes I will be hopefully making some munchymc videos!

How does this work? Do I need to directly contact a staff member?

that doesn’t look like 100 views on average. Good luck though.

Staff won’t reply to your application for a while, you just have to be patient. If you want to remove your application you should message an Admin on the forums (go to their profile and click “message”). If you have any more questions feel free to ask.

Oh ok then

If you add up all the views from all videos its that amount

Hello @ICreativeCrumYT2; currently you do not meet the requirements for Media. Your view count on recent vids is still low. Once you’ve built up you following, feel free to reapply!

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