I have a couple of ideas for Purgatory

Frankly let’s make things a bit easier
Add supply drops with useful items for the banned players HOWEVER, Make it guarded with the toughest mobs basically almost impossible to get through without armor
and here is one suggestion
In the supply crate, there is a 1% chance where it shows a 50% off MunchyMc Unban pass

to make things a bit more annoying for purgatory hackers
Make it so Players have the option to turn into one of the XP things that look like thisimage to just follow the banned players however this is a ranked thing where super+ can only do.

The admins have said they won’t be making any changes to purgatory as they’d rather focus on the other gamemodes atm.

Also, I really like this idea and I think it’d be a good addition if hackers weren’t such a common thing on purg. They’d be bound to get there before the legitimate players.