How to make map 7 not big bad

Good idea!

U right u right

Interesting, I like it.

I’d have to disagree. Crate items don’t magically appear floating in the sky do they? I think it just makes it more easy to access.

Obviously, I’m saying go for a different style.

Yes, I was. I admitted to my faults in a separate post. I like mythicals.

No, like it was in Map 4. If you played this map, you would know that it took the same percentage of money out of your bank. I think it took away 5%, or something small like that. It’ll be the same amount for everyone ( fractions ya know ) and so it makes it a genuine risk.
For example, if we’re doing a 10% takeaway, somebody with $10 will die and will have $1 removed. Somebody with $100 will have $10 taken away.

I’d love to see it too. Thus why I said “I’m not yet quite sure how to handle this”. :slight_smile:

Then at least bring back Legendary Crates in the Thrift Store.

Sorry I should clarify; There is a good variety of items this map but I think more specific items should be added into that variety as well ( I.E. ms pacman boots )

Yes, please yes.