Grqy [Media Rank / YouTuber Rank Application] :)

Channel link :

Number of subs : 772

Average number of views per video : 100-200,sometimes 300-400

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers : Around 4-5 months! Coming up to my 6th month on this channel. I’d been doing videos since 2012 slowly practicing and getting better and with YouTube!

Servers for which you have created content : VeltPVP,,

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? : I hope to be media on MunchyMC so I can make pvp edits and possibly host (i do not know if this is a thing but) sumo tournaments / pvp tournaments!

If there are any more questions please feel free to personally dm me @Grqy#1681 (discord)
(or just reply to the app i’ll see either way :3)

Thanks for reviewing my application!
Have a fantastic day.

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Cool videos- you meet all the requirements. I would do some more content on munchy, though.
Good luck!!

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Of course I’m going to be doing some content on Munchy I just want to be able to get the rank before I start uploading.

I would suggest getting involved with the community some more before applying, you are extremely new to the server, so just try to interact and maybe make some videos on munchy.
+0 for now.


I am an older player from 2016 but I been banned for a long time I was reintroduced by a friend of mine, (ign: kaneki)

knows kaneki

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ye I told him about this server a few days ago vouch +1 cutie

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420 smoked weed +1 +2 +3 ya yeet

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Well, no offense but that’s dumb.
So you’re only going to upload content if you have the rank? That’s apart of the requirements.
Please add in some Munchy content so we know you’re taking this seriously.

I am taking this seriously, i have some video ideas prepared. I want to do Sumo/Sumo Tournament videos and with the rank I’ll be able to start tournaments without having to ask my friends with pre-existing ranks.

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Hey! Found ya!
Good luck getting the rank and very nice videos!

See you around,

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Thanks br00ther!



hOw th0

you hacked my legs and i cant walk anymore

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