Greedily media application

Hi im greedily as some of you may know I like to stream on here
I think I should get media rank because I and my friends used to like making content

there channels

I only talked with dreamer a few times but was mostly friends with Rhian(David) who can’t play with me because he’s in prison for another year (free Rhian) but that’s beside the point I really want streamer rank so I can disguise my self and have chat options


This application makes no sense.

  1. You think you should get this rank because you and your friend USED to like making content.
  2. The 1st channel you provided, it seems as if I can’t see it? The 2nd channel you provided seems to upload rarely, like every 2 months and it’s not even MunchyMc content.
  3. It’s not a Streamer rank, it’s a Media rank.

-1 First link doesn’t work, for starters. Second of all, the second link shows a channel that doesn’t even make munchymc related content. Lastly, it doesn’t seem like you have the greatest idea what media rank even does.

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Application denied. If you have any questions feel free to message me on discord. NoEffortName#3750

Please wait 1 month before applying again.

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