Friendly Reminder About Non-Munchy Forum Content

Hey forum users, it’s me, CatTech :smile_cat: of tech gang #1 :smile_cat:!

I’m constructing this notice today to remind everyone about one of our forum rules that has been neglected for a long time now. We, Forum Staff, have discussed it and have decided that we need to stick strictly to our rule of Munchy-only content.

Content that does not relate to MunchyMC is subject to removal. :smile_cat: (cat emoji to defuse the authoritarian tone). But for real, you can expect any irrelevant topics in the future to be locked, unlisted, and/or in extreme cases, restricted forum privileges.

Here’s our Forum Rules (probably one of the most simple set of rules ever) in case you’ve forgotten :smile_cat:. If you have reason to be afraid (as in you’ve posted non-munchy content recently) do not fear, because the Forum Team has not been doing their job in backing up our rules.

If you have any questions or concerns, message me and we will talk about it :smile_cat:.

