Floren's staff application - May 2021

First of all… Very good application :smiley:

I’ve seen you around pretty much every 2 days! So you are pretty active. +0.5

Second of all… Your personality

You’re always Helping!
Your always in a good Mood!
Pretty much helping where you can! If someone asks something u pretty much have the answer prepared. So another
Your very mature! Never seen you goofin around or being toxic
You’re always in contact with people! Either while fighting or while being in spawn!

So all in all your a Perfect Fit for Helper since your down to Help anyone and your always Friendly!!! +1.5


Im hoping for the best Floren! You would deserve to be a Helper!

Total Rating: +2

Greetings from oHycx :monkey: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Thanks Hycx!

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You seem to be afk at spawn most of the time.

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As I briefly stated in my application; a lot times when I am afk at spawn, I am not actually away from the keyboard, but having Minecraft on my other monitor while doing school and so forth. Considering that helper role mostly consists of chat moderation I personally see this as a strength rather than a weakness as it makes me able to communicate and interact with the chat more.

Nevertheless, thank you for the feedback! :purple_heart:

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Alright, good luck man

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