Final_Variable Ban Appeal

A long time ago I was unfortunately banned from this remarkable server, at the time i was too distraught to make a ban appeal as the tears filled my eyes i was unable to see past this blurry barrier. It got to a point where thinking about this situation would lead to the negative forces overwhelming me and overcoming all of my best efforts to stay sane. recently to rid myself of all stress i decided to log back into minecraft and was met with the wonderful sight of munchymc on my multiplayer list i attempted to play some relaxing kit pvp but remembered i am banned for the foreseeable future. I Have never “cheated” on this server nor any minecraft server so i would atleast like an explanation for my ban if not an unban,
Thanks for your time


Hiya @Final_Variable, instead of creating a ban appeal on the forums, you should make one at:

cheers, my mistake will do so now

No worries, I wish you the best of luck!