Feather item for glider plz

You should still have to shift but give us a feather item instead of forcing us to constantly drop items in our hotbar



yes +1

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What if we just… removed glider :snail: (+1)


they already removed glider for everybody except 2 people. all good

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I agree with adding an item of some sort, to me, it’s mostly just an annoyence to constantly have to use ctrl+q in my 9th slot all the time. :joy:


#rebuff glider I don’t want to be a bouncy main anymore


so you want to be a glider main?


Emphasis on want to, having the new nerfed glider sucks so I switched to bouncy

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Ive bound drop stack to Q, dont know if the client you use can do that

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Honestly, I don’t mind glider in its current state, yes, I think an item for gliding instead of an empty hand would probably be a good little tweak, but overall, I think the kits in a fairly good spot atm. It’s still a kit that has major use against others kits, while not being too OP either.

Overall though, I like glider, and I’m honestly having more fun with it now than I have before because it’s not super broken like it used to be.

(Glider & Spy are my main kits)


The current version of glider is far more fun, with that i completely agree. However, its in no means an easy feat to be good at glider right now. Something only me and you seem to have even put effort into. Having to remember all the new rules on top of the old ones stink. And i doubt anybody other than me, you, and Zach could learn it in any reasonable amount of time. You pretty much have to have mastered the previous version or you are far behind everybody else

Not to mention that if used in the right way, glider is still downright busted for running away from fights, a feature thats been tried time and time again to be removed.

Also something i noticed with the previous version of glider that i found funny, it seems the only reason people figured out fast stacking was by watching the few people who knew how to do it for long enough, and then still doing it wrong.

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I agree with all of this.

Though, I will say that, a kit, being a high skilled kit to master, isn’t all a bad thing. There’s plenty of kits in the game that are easier to master, and some that are fairly hard to (Glider isn’t the only kit that’s hard to master)

Take this from someone who plays Random Kits like 65% of the time :joy:

How hard kits are to master (My opinion)
Angel - Easy
Anvil - Moderate
Archer - Moderate
Bouncy - Easy
Camel - Very Easy
CopyCat - Easy
Easter - Hard
Engineer - Hard
Feather - Easy
Glider - Hard
Grandpa - Easy
Greedy - Easy
Halloween - Easy
Healer - Easy
Knitter - Moderate
Ninja - Hard
Paladin - Easy
Pufferfish - Impossible
Pyro - Moderate
Salvager - Easy
Speedster - Moderate
Spiderman - Hard
Spy - Moderate
Teleporter - Moderate
Tinker - Moderate
Vanish - Easy
Vast - Moderate
Vision - Moderate


As somebody who mained glider through all previous versions, the reaction time and hot keying made learning ninja incredibly easy

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Bump because relevant

glider should stay irrelevant


cringe reply ngl, im not even asking for it to be buffed heavily, im asking for a quality of life change. Grow up please.

no >:(

I’ve been thinking the same thing. they used to give you a feather you hold and right click. That way you could glide but you can’t attack with weapons. idk why they changed everything to buffing it by shifting so you can attack with weapons to nerfing it where not only you can’t attack with weapons but you have to worry about keeping 1 hotbar open and you lose more health. What was the point of changing anything. Bring Glider back to what it used to originally be with the feather and stop listening to noobs complaining about pros that get good with the kit.

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Pretty sure as long as i play woolwars people will complain
Just give us feather item + shift so i dont have to drop stuff and make it CUSTOMIZABLE