Falcons should be gone

falcons have like no good armour and its hard to get kills sometimes and they are very annoying i hate them flying birdos they ruin everything rather have a troll kit so pls remove it and add some other kid with flight but not as op like maybe u get 5 double jumps and dont take falldamage as some rabbit or frog kit

There is no good reason anywhere in here why developers or admins should actually remove the Falcon kit in KitPVP. Literally it’s you ranting, probably because one of them killed you…


… if u were online today with falcon u would have being dead they killed me about 5 times i killed them about 30-100 times kiddo they are too bad as armour WISE i thought of nerfing the weapons and updrading the armour and neft the flight

So… then why did you ask for it to be removed?

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well i dont like it but if democracy or something wins it probs wont be removed but id like it to be nerfed in some cases and buffed in other casses

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Isn’t that good tho?


Falcons are a kit that I find perfect, it has it’s weaknesses (ranged kits, other falcons) but also it’s strengths (flying above a group and getting assists and kills and get ignored, fish, other falcons).


I think I made a post about this ages ago. An admin made a good point that the falcon kit is a great way to record hackers.


but they are annoying

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Provided no /spectate of course


Oh falcons are fun. Grab a dash kit, knock them out of the sky, and they cant even outrun you. Grab a kit with a bow, start shooting them. Be a ninja and chase them down. Grab slingshot, fisherman, hornet, All free kills you just need to explore your options. Often falcons are players that can’t pvp on the ground, that’s why they use it, so once you ground them you got them. I don’t know why you are mad over this, you need to strategize. PvP isn’t all easy peasy you need to come up with plans, not complain just because you couldn’t kill them.




Only ranked players can use that.


Yeah i agree they might be op but if u look at it from another stand point there are many counterkits to it but the main point i agree with.

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@Weekday112 You necroposted a 10 month post. How did you find this?
Also Falcon is fixed and it can record hackers.


Try not to necropost topics which havent been commented on for over 2 weeks :DD