FahimPlayz Media Application

Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/FahimPlayz

Number of subs: 1436

Average number of views per vid: 300

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I have been making videos for about 4 years.

Servers for which you have created content: Hypixel, CosmicSky

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? So first of all I know I haven’t uploaded in a while and that is because I have college applications and stuff and around October I should be done with that I will be uploading about 3 times a week and streaming 3 times a week. Some reasons why I would make a good candidate is because I am usually on minecraft for about 4 hours per day or more. Also I believe I could make some interesting content on the server. I also believe I can get you guys some new players because whenever I stream usually almost everyone comes and plays with me for Hypixel so I am sure if I stream on your server people would join me and we can all have a fun time.

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So I didn’t look too long (cause I’m lazy) but I didn’t see any videos about Munchy but I could be wrong


Gotta agree with my girl Aazure, you don’t have any Munchy content. I think as long as you post your streams of Munchy ( if you decide to do any ) you’ll be fine.


I’m sorry you currently don’t meet our requirements and I would also recommend making more MunchyMC related content before applying next time. Thanks.
