Event Member application (Third try)

IGN and past IGN’s: (Current:) Defeatdly (Past:) LegoMyEgoPlz, INoobie


How often can you host events: On Monday and Friday i can host events 3:30 pm and 8:30 pm i can not do 8:00 am and 3:30 pm because of school but on the weekends I can play 6:00 am to 10:00 am.

What sets you apart from other applicants: I’m really exited about doing this application, I don’t like the concept of trolling in applications, I am really thought full of this application and I am being mature about this application. I am helpful to people if they see a bug i can report it.

What can you bring to MunchyMC as an Event Member: I know how to do some commands for events like:
• eventtp {Requests to tp to a single player| they have to /confirm}
• eventban {Bans player from the event}
• eventunban {Unbans player from the event world}
• eventkick {Licks the player to the spawn of the event world}
• eventtpall {Does a confirm request to everyone on the server.}
• eventeffect {Gives players effects}
And if someone does not understand an event i could explain it to them.

Give us one or more examples of an Event Member(s) doing something positive (I.E. Hosting an event when you asked, allowing you to become the slayer in RR, etc.): An example of an event member doing something positive is when i say vbloks asking people if they want to be slayer and then i didn’t understand the event (color run) so when i asked vbloks told me.

Anything else you would like to add: this is my third try i tryed my best on the last question I’ve only been in one event before

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I’m not voting or giving you feedback on your app for the moment, just here to tell you if you want to edit your application, go to the bottom of your post and click the three dots then the pencil, that will allow you to fix and improve your current application.
Good luck!


Now did this ACTUALLY happen or is it just an example?
It’s an improvement! Just, like I said,read accepted and denied applications- especially the replies more than anything if you want to know how to become a good event :)

it did really happen

Vbloks? His name is vblok

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Please work on grammar mistakes and punctuations.
Application isn’t so tidy, Questions should be Bold and answers can be normal or Italic.

Yeah, uhh… Do mind spending more time on your applications and check for grammar mistakes.
Not going to rate, but if you work on these flaws, you’d be the perfect person for the job!

Denied. Please work on your activity. Also, your application needs to stand out. Give me reasons to pick you over someone else.