EveeMCYT's Media Application

NOTE: Many ppl are saying no munchy content there are loads of livestreams

~Channel link:

~Number of subs/followers:

1.13K Subscribers

~Average number of views/viewers last 10 videos and/or streams:

2795.3 views in last 10 videos (almost all are shorts tho) In streams my peak viewers on yt and twitch in last 10 streams average 6 but on twitch 15. My average in vids are: 78views

~How long you have been creating content for Munchy and/or other servers?:

I have been a member of Munchy for quite a long time (abt 2 yrs ago) then I stopped and recently came back abt like 6 months ago. I love playing events and most of the event community know me for hosting mini events in the lobby whilst waiting for bad. E.g. Simon Says or Hide and Seek wihtout using world edit or anything cuz i dont have perms

~Servers for which you have created content:

PVP legacy, My event server, munchy, invaded, mcci, stray, Hypixel, Bozokits, Randomkits and muich more

~Why would you like to join the Media Team? What makes you a good candidate for the team?

I would love to flourish with the server, streaming weekly on the server like I normally do. I want to meet more of the community and be dedicated to playing this server! I love the events sometimes play wool wars and most of the event community knows me. Even tho I have a low view count I would LOVE to join the team. I love showing support to players and entertaining them. Hope this gets accepted!

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Could have been just me but I couldn’t see any videos about munchy in your channel. If you wish to have some sort of influence over a server, at least put your interest in it prior to applying/starting to make content about it. :slightly_smiling_face: +0

Again I just skimmed through your channel, maybe you made tons of Munchy videos that I just didn’t see but yeah, you do be pretty unknown to me.
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Hi there EveeMCYT,

After carefully reviewing your application I have to unfortunately deny your appeal due to the following reasons:

  • You have barely or no MunchyMC content
  • You have very recent punishments
  • We would like you to work on your maturity

Please wait at least 2 months before reapplying for this position.