enT706 - Fly, Jesus, KillAura, AntiKB

IGN: enT706
Offense: Fly, KillAura, AntiKB
Proof: https://youtu.be/T7Mxu6opc40 (KillAura: 0:05, 0:40, Fly & AntiKB: 0:15 onward, possible Jesus @ 0:28, could just be flying above the water though) https://youtu.be/QcM2tGAHHdU (KillAura: 0:10, AntiKB: 0:07 onward, Fly: 0:17 - 0:23), and you can also see another point when he toggles his AntiKB as soon as he enters combat here https://youtu.be/_LqiDEzouVs (0:03 onward)
Update: He even admitted to cheating and having multiple accounts

Edit: Added timestamps with the videos

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Dealt with, thanks for the report.

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