
Macros are key shortcuts done by the computer (omen) or a third party software, that simulates the buttons being pressed.

Like 95% of the content modifications do not give any advantage, it’s like joining multiplayer with a higher version, but the content does not affect vanilla gameplay.
The other 5% are 3% unfair advantage anyone is allowed to download and use, but each server has their own rules, for example munchy does not allow to view hp of other players.
The other 2% of these 5% are hacks.


But they can define how they work, for example a minimap can show many things, but server specific rules can decide to turn off entities and underground materials/caves. Players reporting players with evidence most likely will get themselves in this, too.

There is a way to spam a teleportation command, the main reason for many servers to have a “warm up” timer for any kind of teleportation, even when you are falling off your island and lose your whole inventory to the void for simply standing still for 2 seconds while falling, impossible.
There is also a way to spam an admin’s chat by typing commands the player has no permissions to or do not exist, but the player is supposed to not know this, so the admin either does not react or turns it off somehow.

There is canned food made out of pig named “SPAM”, is it also spam, because it got “spam” in the name?

True randomness at random.org.

Pretty much like german laws, but they don’t have written “use common sense” anywhere in the 3 law books.
