Dragons Siege woolwars map V1

Welcome back to now already the third map submission. As always this isn’t a final product and I’d love to hear any feedback or things you would want to see in this map.

Technical information

Map name: Dragons Siege
max players: 24
Waiting spawn location: Lime carpet (In the fort can be seen from main entrance)
Game spawn location blue carpet on the water
Center X and Z: 0,0
Lowest Y: 51
HeightLimit: from 51 to 143
Parkour block: Iron blocks (block of iron)

The main Idea of the map is to funnel the PVP to the center and sort of defend the highground from the fort hence the caves inside and not that many platforms on the rim.

File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cAKbQ2sRPm2NriALMgqNbgTbChtp9fpx/view?usp=sharing



The map looks really cute overall despite the lack of platform! It would be great if you could add some floating island otherwise it would be pretty hard to play on it I would say, but I’m not a woolwars main xD just my thoughts :sparkles:


I do agree with you. A few things on the rim wouldn’t harm the map at all It’s just I need Ideas for things to put there that wouldn’t look out of place which is harder than one can imagine for an Island in the middle of the sea… Thanks for your feedback!! Have a wonderfull day.



Cool map :)


Thank you!

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This map looks absolutely stunning! The dragons are amazingly built. (seriously woah)
It seems quite a bit too small though, and there being only one platform will make games on this map very short, especially since the platform takes up 80% of the map’s space!
I personally am more of a fan of Woolwars maps with multiple small platform that you can hit people off of as it really allows for the use of strategy and lots of different playstyles, whereas maps like this are normally very PvP based which is something I know not many people like in a Woolwars map.

I can see that a lot of effort has gone into making this and it is far better than anything I could ever build, but I just can’t see myself playing on it.


Thank you for the comment on the dragons they are a pain in the buthole to build at this small of a scale. I do agree with your claim on the platforms. They do significantly enhance the woolwars experience and I am not planning to leave such open space. It’s still work in progress so Ill have your words in mind when working on improvements. Thank you for your comment and have a damn good day! :smiley:


With your builds, I recommend making the cylinder just a bit bigger. (Not like twice as big, but a few blocks, enough for your builds to still look good and be playable on.) Or, you can change the shape altogether.
Woolwars maps are usually good with lots of islands/platforms and other places for players to explore and fight on (Flagwars Castle is just about the only exception). The idea of the map is interesting but when people have access to kits like bouncy, glider, vanish, teleporter, etc, all other kits will essentially just die. Maps should be fair between all kits, not just the ones that can go upwards quickest.


Good call, I was thinking about giving more space but was hesitent thinking maybe I would make the map too large. I think the ‘kit’ argument you make is a great point. Ill try making maps with all the current kits that woolwars offers in mind. I do have some great ideas for making more platforms that would compliment the build nicely and offer more space to maneuver in. Thanks for your feedback, this will certainly add to my mapmaking skills. Have a joyful day!!


Yup! you’re allowed to adjust the map size and shape as you please so dont hold back on that :lizard:

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Good luck with your map @thedutchknot

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Thank you. :heart: I just enlarged the main cylinder and I can already feel it shaping out way better.

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Oh wow this map actually looks so sick!

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Thank you so much!

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The map looks great but playing on it seems way to difficult. Needs to be bigger and have more platforms

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Working on it! Thank you have a great day!

