Do you know if the crossbow glitch is gone so I can safety use crossbow again?

So @Mikeal said I was using a crossbow glitch to get more arrows but I don’t understand how I was using the glitch. So can you tell me if the crossbow glitch is gone.

if u get a direct hit on someone u regain a arrow, and if u wait 10 seconds u gain arrows, idk if ur talking about like get a infinite amount of arrows in seconds

As they said they weren’t (intentionally) using a glitch so they don’t know, but an ‘infinite arrow’ glitch on crossbow probably refers to the one that glitches the timer so you regenerate arrows faster than you can shoot.

Are you saying that it wasn’t a infinite arrow glitch and I don’t know how is glitches the timer so you regenerate arrows faster than you can shoot related to getting more arrows.

It happens for 2 specific reasons I don’t want to state in fear others would see this and use it. I think crossbow should be disabled temporarily until fixed due to the fact that both of the 2 causes can happen unintentionally.

@Mikeal can help you with this.

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Do you know if @Mikeal is going to reply to this post?

How can I talk to @Mikeal because I made a private message to him on the forums on Friday and he hasn’t responded to me.

He’s usually a quick responder but he hasn’t been responding to me either for the past week. I don’t rlly know tbh.

Then how am I going to know how I was using the glitch? I don’t want accidentally to use the glitch again and I really want to go back using the crossbow again.

dude just ask another mod

@oBears do you know if the crossbow glitch is gone so I can safety use crossbow again? or ask @Mikeal to explain how I was using the crossbow glitch to get more arrows because I was not aware that I was using the crossbow glitch.

If you didn’t intentionally use a glitch and you were fine until now/the time of posting I think it’s unlikely it will happen very often, and you should be fine using the kit just as everyone else is.

Well I haven’t used the crossbow for two weeks because I was waiting when the crossbow will be safe to use.

@_Rainbow_Dash you can continue to use crossbow, but when you need to repair please do /spawn and jump back out instead of doing /repair