Djdino468's Event team Application

IGN: Djdino468

**Age:**13 1/2


**How often can you host events?**Anytime you want I am available all summer besides church which is on Saturday 5:00 or Sunday 9:00, 10:30, 12:00, 4:00,or 5:30. Each mass will take about an hour and I only have to choose one of the times. I have a week-long vacation for the last week of July and school starts August 30.

What sets you apart from other applicants? I am very available this summer. I have many Ideas for example, I thought if we can have a hide and seek Where an all people participating in the event will have half a heart, 10% of the people in the event are the seekers, the rest hide and the map will be filled with secrets like redstone. But that’s not most important I can bring help to the people who need it and I have a Iq of 122 I think about plans for everything and have great ideas

**What can you bring to MunchyMC as an Event Member?**I plan to make everything as fair as I can so everyone can participate in the event. For example if a hacker would somehow get into an event and people were killed by the cause of the person’s hacking I would bring them back and give them the items they had before.

**What do you think your reputation is like within the community?**My reputation isn’t really big lately. I have been trying to stream twitch with my building stream or sometimes Roblox so I haven’t been able to play on the server for a while.

**Why do you want to be on the event team?**It seems like a fun way to pass by the summer days and help fix the MunchMc community like what I said before to make everyone have the participation they came on the server looking for and not to be interrupted by something wrong happening.

**Give us one strength and one weakness that you have:**A strength I have for hosting events is knowing that I’ll try my best to fix the event and host it as best as I can. A weakness I have is dealing with the people that make stuff go wrong or the glitches that do it as well.

**Give us one or more examples of an Event Member(s) doing something positive (I.E., Hosting an event when you asked, allowing you to become the slayer in RR, etc.):**A positive thing I would do is acknowledging the Players needs and attending to them if they need to be attended to.

**Anything else you would like to add:**I would like that I love CHICKENS and have 4 right now my chicken is Daisy and she helps me through hard times. Also I have ADHD and Trichotillomania. Also Subscribe to Badboyhalo!

-0,75 make sure to bold out the questions,hide and seek is already an event where there is 2 slayers hunting down the other people.I cant rate activity because i cant remember if ive seen you.Also about the “Give ys one or more examples of an event member(s) doing something positive.” question is more about a already existing event member for example "hosting a event you asked for or allow you to become the slayer"Goodluck on your application tho.

Looking at the questions that we’re given! You can clearly See that you forgot to Press Space after the Questions! That’s why its Not Highlighted Like " This "
Dont Just apply for something that you dont even Really have Knowledge about!

Change your Activity and Reputation within the Community too btw!


I did bold the questions sir on my end and then when I try to paste it all of it is not bold

Also what did that question mean exactly the one that talked about a slayer in rr

Just delete the indicators of your boldness and re-add them, it should fix it ^^

I will give you a -1 for now. I never saw you online, and also some of your answers are not really related to the questions

this does not answer the question. You are not supposed to talk about what you would do positively, but what other members of the community have done to you that you regard as positive. Also, most of your answers lack a lot of detail. I reccomend looking at accepted applications for inspiration.
If I see any improvments in your in game activity, I will be willing to improve my rating :slightly_smiling_face:
Good Luck with your application anyways!

I recommend bolding the questions so it is easier to read :)

You have a nice application however some of the questions are not related / lack detail.
I would also recommend working on your activity and reputation within the community.