Dear Devs, of Prison

then whats the point on buying bad crates. owners have to make money somehow and more people buy crates than ranks so they have to make crates good for people to keep buying them

Obviously crates are way too over powered, ( reason why I said don’t make prison so p2w ) all they have to do is just remove the chance of getting x amount of ultras or x amount of special items.

so youre saying no ultras or special items in crates and just emerald blocks and guard gear. nice one bro

no no no, I mean less of those items

all maps since halfway through map 2 been p2w

People who make posts like this have absolutely no concept of how running a server works whatsoever. “Pay2Win” I agree bro, %100. Seeing some loser spend $200 on crates to get a new item and get insanely rich is insanely annoying. But what do you want them to do about it? Stop making money off the server? There needs to be SOME incentive for players to purchase something otherwise the server wouldn’t exist. Crates is an easy way to do this. However, I do think there are better ways of approaching the pay2win situation, instead of making “special crates” add stuff that isnt so focused on the game.

(very hard to do btw, cant just expect people to buy shitty crates just to do it. it just wont work, they need to think of a way to provide the same incentive without allowing that person to essentially buy money/items)

Rest of this post is irrelevant “dont add overpowered items” they are slow sometimes, they do that a lot, get over it.

There were gang cells they just weren’t a priority.

@Varmetek is working hard on making the map as balanced as possible. Dream is an amazing coder and a cool dude but he added a shadow lightsaber so hopefully varm doesnt follow the same track record.

Make the map fun for all types of players, the miners (shoblette, shreksbakery) who mine for 24 hours straight. This should be a main source of income for most players but as shown by this map, it doesnt have to be for everyone! The looters, outside looting was amazing and a lot of fun. Everyone just thought it was OP because I would get to 100m when in reality I’m using insane items blah blah blah whatever learn from your mistakes, refine the outside looting system and make it better in some way. Looting for rares is too unreliable for a stable source of income especially when you can sit in spawn and make 10x more.

thats all your master caspar has to say. dont get whiny at the staff for gAnG cEllS and ovErPowErEd iTeMs when it basically just translates to you suck at the game and dont know how to get rich (dm for caspars get rich quick e-book, $500) let them do their thing and i guarantee you it will be fun just like every other map, no matter how op it always ends up being tons of fun and you cant deny that.



:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I got an idea for rares.
Since people with high prestige make 10x more rares, why not add an estimated value, as more and more of these rares exist.
Should be displayed above or below the rarity in the lore, I guess.

That’s honestly really true, and I do agree with you for most of that. If someone buys crates, they can get overpowered easily, but what else are they going to sell?


For everyone’s sake please at the very least stop commenting on prison posts, thanks, sorry, have a good day.

Completely, it’s just counter-productive, it’s better to add something beneficial to improve this coming map and future maps rather than just complaining about them over and over and over again like many posts have.

I agree, It would be nice if they could find an alternative to this, otherwise players who spend money get every rare item in the game out of crates instead of finding them legitimately outside. That or keep pushing out updates with newly added items to keep the server more interesting and make it last longer. I’m not saying completely remove it, just find an alternative, something that keeps it fun for everyone.

-Wb Caspar

PS: What about me?:sob:


While I am not sure what @KittenKatja’s suggestion has to do with the issues discussed in the thread or the fact that some players have higher chances to find loot, there is no reason for your negative attitude.
In fact, it is a reasonable suggestion that could be especially useful for newer players.
Whether it would be a good addition to prison is of course a different discussion entirely because it takes away the (well-deserved ?) advantage active players have and also limits the scamming aspect.

As someone with very few valuable inputs on our forums, maybe you shouldn’t be the one to tell others to stop posting their ideas.



It can at least show how man of it’s kind has been found or other things, doesn’t necessarily need to show a price. The estimate price would be something, when it would be sold to an npc, that it has another price to players, but would of course have influence on the players prices, as it goes lower the more of it exists.

How to update this count is up to the devs, I would say drop it on the ground an pick it up, just like hypixel skyblock does it with their language changed items. (using translate in json text is better, i believe)

I definitely do not agree with that idea. One of the main features of Prison is the ability to scam people. If they have an estimated value of an item, they cant be tricked to buy an item for over priced value. -1.

have a good thanksgiving but without actually playing munchys prison a lot and realizing how it’s actually played please stop with the suggestions you’re trying to make it like towny


The most popular towny in Germany also allows scamming, in which a clan was made to collect names and banish their scam shops from these worlds and make trust worthy shops not only hopper minecart safe but also giving advise on how to make trade rooms trust worthy. (glass walls and floor with lava right below it)
I believe there is happening more scams right now than this server’s scammers can make money from.

Not to be mean, but how does this relate to the topic?