CrazyField's event team application! (2)

He isn’t one of those people, actually. That’s also rude to assume he is.

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I’m not " assuming " he is. He is one of those people. He quit and came back when he realized that event team applications are open.

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Think of it how you want but that’s not how I see it.


He came back before event apps opened even before the staff apps.
Please dont argue on crazy’s app.


+1 Dude!

  • You’re extremely kind and friendly towards players and myself
  • Helpful in chat

Good luck my dude!


Thank you very much!


A application isnt based on the grammar nor spelling, though recommended for it to be correct it mainly depends on the players performance as a community member and a good person to be added to the team.


Grammarly is trash - don’t trust it. CANKRII is 100% right; Your application is littered with grammatical errors and poor sentence structure. This might slightly degrade your application so I’d recommend fixing it :+1:.


okay I will try to fix it thanks for the feedback

All good!


fixed! I’ve done my best

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-0.2 You should really take the time to look at the formatting and questions you need to answer, you seem to be missing one "Why do you want to be on the event team:"

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when you make a new post it automatically puts this format and it does not include this message, im sure other players have this problem and this problem was also last season, I forgot about it thank you for your feedback I’m going to add this question now!
edit: I put the question and answered it, thank you for your feedback :D


Alright broski you said the word “event” 17 times, try to replace it with a synonym, or just re-word your sentences. For your second question “loving events” isnt really something unique, try to describe something that sets YOU apart from the other applicants. (also, that staff application thing is not really helping you since, if you cant catch cheaters, then you’re a bad staff member). By the way FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, capitalize your words. I know I’m trashing your grammar but still, give em a quick edit.

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Hi, Thank you for your feedback! I capitalized what I should’ve.
I’ve used the word event a lot of times cause that’s the point of this application I want to join the event team and host events so I don’t really want to change it (my opinion), also about the love for events I gave also 2 other reasons.


Really nice
Deserves Event!


+1, CrazyField is a very suiteable person for this position. I believe that he would be a positive influence for the team, because of the following things:

  • Active person, I see him on everytime I am on, both in-game and teamspeak
  • Friendly guy all around
  • Seems like he has good event knowledge, as he has hosted events himself.

Hope you get it, as you deserve it in my opinion!


Thank you everyone for the feedback and the nice comments :D

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He needs to get this and deserves it!

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you already wrote a comment but okay thanks

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