Cougar Build Application

IGN: Ay1l

Timezone: GMT+1

Discord Name: Ay1i#4065 / Ay1i / 514425727999803404

How long have you played MunchyMC?: On this account not very long, but i have previously been apart of the build team under the alias: cougar_m

How active can you be per week?: I work from 7-15 and can therefor be online from 16-21 on workdays

Do you have any punishments on our Network? If so, what for?: Negative

Please link a portfolio of all your most recent build projects: This is a portfolio of most of my builds throughout my building carreer, if its a bit messy i apologize.

(ElysiumFire Projects which i have taken part of)

Please tell us more about your FAVOURITE and PROUDEST build:
My favourite and proudest build would be a project for ElysiumFire in which i built the castle you see and the village nearby, aswell as the Cyberpunk Project which took 3+ years to create, they are my favourite because they took long to create and i believe they turned out very good, obviously as mentioned in the credits this was a group effort everyone with a different task (organics/terrain/buildings etc.) where the buildings were my responsibility

How experienced are you with World Edit, Voxel and other building plugins?:
I would say im proficient in both to a high level

Describe your build specialty and weaknesses (detailing, terraforming, structures, etc.):
My specialty in my eyes would be building structures, and detailing, allthough i am capable of most things, but ofcourse some better than others

What is your history of building? If applicable, which build teams and/or servers have you worked for in the past?
I have built both professionally and for fun since around 2015, servers i have worked with in the past are:
MunchyMC, InvadedLands, JartexNetwork, CubeCraft, MineHeroes, DragonsPlay, Mineplex
Build Teams i have been in:
ElysiumFire, TeamVisionary, LuxStudios, ArtionStudios, TeamFractal, TheRoyalPixels

On a scale of 1-10, how well do you work with others? Please expand upon in your answer:
i would say 8, as there is always room to improve, but i believe im a very positive person in general and im happy to both work independantly both also in groups

Have you applied for Builder before? If so, what was your reason for denial? How have you looked at improving since?
I have, but i wasnt denied :smiley:


Oh my god this is one of the most impressive portfolios I’ve ever seen
Absolutely +1, but you’re probably wasting your talents on Munchy…


Hey, @cougar_m!

You’ve definitely got an impressive portfolio, and after reviewing your application I’d love to welcome you back to the team. Please message me on discord :sunglasses:


Congrats! :partying_face:


congrads ! !


Such marvelous builds but I feel I agree with Mr. jamiedactyl over here, I love getting a better build team and all but you’re light years ahead of any other build application I have seen imo.

Either way you got accepted so very well deserved. Congrats!!!

that cyberpunk map is impressive congrats!

hopefully you’ll have fun being a part of the build team here…

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Congrats Alk on build team manager :sunglasses: and you Cougar for being accepted! Hope you won’t regret it- :sparkles:



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Congrats :)

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Congrats :clap:

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Congratulations! :tada:

Application denied.