CopperSnake Media Application

Channel link:

Number of subs: 2,700

Average number of views per vid: 50-100

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I’ve been playing on Munchy for 2 months and 2 weeks, but I started making content about a month ago. I’m not one of the annoying Skeppy fans, I just love the server and BadBoyHalo.

Servers for which you have created content: MunchyMC

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?
I love the server and play it almost every single day for at least an hour. I try to stream it daily on Youtube/Twitch. The streams don’t get uploaded publicly, but I upload Stream Highlights when I get around to editing.

Additional Info
I also had a lot more content (1000+ videos) on my channel, but I deleted them so I could start fresh and new. That’s why my view count doesn’t match up with my Subscriber count. I’ve also had the channel for almost 4 years now, and a lot of my Subscribers are from when I had a nasty and unorganized upload schedule, so they never Unsubscribed from back in the day.

If I don’t get accepted, I understand and will apply at a later date when I am ready. Just please tell me what I need to work on. Thank you and have a nice day.

You might want to show a screenshot or something of your views. Even if its deleted it is important.

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You get offended to easily

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Alright. I’ll remember that for the future! Thanks for the tip!

If you’re talking about what happened in Teamspeak

  1. People were throwing insults left and right, I’m dealing with too much stress right now in order to stay and deal with that, whether it’s a joke or not
  2. I had to leave anyway and deal with something, not directly because of all the dark humor.

Subs dont look real but gl

They are, but I can understand your point of view.

I said it was embarassing how you were trying to get media on here as a joke, wouldn’t consider that ‘dark humour’. Also if you’re really stressed why apply now?

I’m not trying to get Media as a joke? I said I might want to apply for J-Mod later in life, but I want Media since I care about it and don’t want J-Mod right now. Nobody let me finish my sentence.

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I meant that i said it as a joke. There was round 5 people talking in there anyway so you will be cut off on a lot of things you say.

Well sorry that I got so salty. I hope we can still be friends. <3

Yea were chill, just saying try not to be too serious. :slight_smile:

Thanks man :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Honestly, you show a lot of promise; you are charismatic, which is great!
Your editing is also nice. :+1:
Please work on your view count though and reapply once it’s up to an average of 150