CJ_Puffinstuff's Event Team Application

IGN: CJ_Puffinstuff

Pacific Time but in about 3 months I will moving to Switzerland so my time zone will shift to Central European Time.

How often can you host events:
I am usually quite active and should be able to host 1-2 events a day on weekdays and 3-6 on weekends. Usually this will vary but I will try my hardest to be consistent.

What sets you apart from other applicants:
One think that I think would set me apart from many of the applicants is my involvement in the community. I have been playing MunchyMC for three years now and I have also befriended some of that staff members. I have also been trying to apply for builder and have stuck with it over the past months.Another thing that has set me apart is my past experiences with events. I used to run a server with a somewhat active community and I would run events on there all the time. This was the main thing with the server and people loved participating in these events.

As far as commands go I have been able to list the ones that I know about. I learned these either from watching streams of people hosting events, or from event managers talking in general, or from tab auto complete in game. The commands I know are as follows:

  • Broadcast Makes your message clear to the entire server. /broadcast [message]
  • Skit Used to create certain kits for events. An example could be a kit for the slayers in a gamemode. /skit [apply:create] [range]
  • Eventtpall Sends a teleport request to all online players. This would be how people join the event. Usually this is followed by a /broadcast so its more noticable.
  • TogglePvP This will disable PvP during an event, this would usually be used for a grace period or for events that dont require PvP
  • EventBan / EventKick Bans/Kicks a player from events. /eventban/kick [player]

What can you bring to MunchyMC as an Event Member:
As an Event Member I think there are multiple things that I could bring to MunchyMC. The first is that I think that I’m a quite mature person, I know when its the time to be serious but I also know when its OK to be comedic. The second thing is that I am a creative person, I know how to put a twist on a situation, especially when it comes down to creating events.

Why do you want to be on the event team:
I want to be on the event team because I want to be even more involved in the community on MunchyMC. Right now it’s been hard trying to get to know some of the staff and I feel being on the event team would let me know the community on a level that I could not be on before. Also as a event team member hosting events would be a fun experience to me and the people participating. I know when a event team member hosts an event I get very excited and I want to bring that feeling to other people as well.

Give us one or more examples of an Event Member(s) doing something positive (I.E. Hosting an event when you asked, allowing you to become the slayer in RR, etc.):
I was on MunchyMC doing a Red Rover event, it came down to just 2 people; me and someone else. I ended up loosing the event but the person who won already had the rank that was the prize, (1 day of) elite rank. After that the person who was hosting the event (Mythical Sheep I think) gave me the prize because the winner already had the rank. Even though I lost the event I still had a fun experience.

Anything else you would like to add:
Like I said before I am applying for Builder and I am hoping that this would help me be involved more in the community so I am prepared for the next step up.

The website says you joined on December of 2018, that’s not three years… :thinking:

Oof I read the forums date I think, nvm. Fairly detailed app, I haven’t seen you in game though. Probably because of the timezone difference :grinning:**+0.5**

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Your application is good but based on your application I can’t know what do you know about events if you can tell me what you know it can be good

Fairly detailed application! But maybe you could give examples to some commands you are familiar with on events :smiley:

Best of Luck,

@CrazyField and @FunnyJustCause,

I have just added some more detail on what makes sets my apart and my past experiences with events and knowledge with current MunchyMC event commands.

Now its way better +0.5 I havn’t seen you ingame but from what I say you seem very mature

Hey CJ, You have a strong application but I suggest working on your activity and getting to know the community better.

Application Denied.