Cheater's HUGE Prison Giveaway [ENDED]

Demeter Cornucopia :+1:t2:

cyclops pick or something idk how this works

literally the best item to be added to prison ever
id like the vineyard , and i can also throw in some more items if you’d like

Fools cap

fission pick plz

I choose Rabbit Legs.

Zeus thunder stroke please!

Zeus Tempest

i would love to get a hades crown… thanks

Gorgon Pickaxe

I would like to get DEMETER HANDS! My ign is CuteBird_

Ill take Demeter Cornucopia pls <3

Gaia Pick.

(PS: Cheater let me get a screenshot with youuuuuuu.)

I want the Hermes Winged Sandals.

IGN: Angrist

i’d like a go at a rabbit butt please :) good luck to everyone and thanks for doing this!

I wouldn’t care what I got I’m rlly appreciative with anything tbh

Gaia Pick Please Thank you!

Ask for an unmute. @TheTimeDefender you only get one item tho.

Oh that’s my bad didn’t understand that correctly. Thanks for filling me in!

rabbit legs would be nice :D