Catshire123 builder application

IGN: idk what that means

Timezone: Eastern

Discord Name: TheRealCatshire#0761

How long have you played MunchyMC?: im not sure. a while i guess. :)

How active can you be per week?: probably 3 - 5 hours depending on my schedule.

Do you have any punishments on our Network? If so, what for?: no. i am a good muffin.

Please link a portfolio of all your most recent build projects: umm idk how and i dont take pictures of my builds.

Please tell us more about your FAVOURITE and PROUDEST build: well one time i made a 1:1 replica of my house.

How experienced are you with World Edit, Voxel and other building plugins?: i have used world edit many times.

Describe your build specialty and weaknesses (detailing, terraforming, structures, etc.): i am good at animals, structures, etc. just not good at making people. :)

What is your history of building? If applicable, which build teams and/or servers have you worked for in the past? i havent worked for any server before.

On a scale of 1-10, how well do you work with others? Please expand upon in your answer: very well. i once won the leadership award at my private school.

Have you applied for Builder before? If so, what was your reason for denial? How have you looked at improving since? No. i just decided to bring my art to a server. idk understand the question.

the end.

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hmm? lying in an application i see.


Not really a lie tbf


Add him to the team

IGN means your username on Minecraft

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This doesnt look like a completed application.

  • The answers aren’t very detailed
  • You haven’t included any pictures of any of your builds
  • You didn’t include your minecraft name
  • You didn’t include your full timezone
  • You joined the server a week ago

You will not have any chance at becoming a builder if you don’t take pictures of your builds; they won’t have any idea of how good you are at building. Anyway, good luck on your application!

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Application denied.

Keep improving and start adding more builds to your portolio. Good luck. Please, if you wish to re-apply wait at least 3 months before doing so.