Cant join Munchy?

I was able to join earlier today like twice and went offline for like an hour or two, now when i try join back it says “Kicked whilst connecting to lobby: Couldn’t load account!”. I’ve tried logging out of minecraft, refreshing, deleting the server and readding. Anyone help?

I had that issue once as well (not sure if on Munchy). I logged into a different server, stayed for a few seconds, and then logged out to connect to the server I originally wanted to join. It then worked again.

It’s pretty weird.

I don’t know if this method will work for you though, as I am not sure if it is server side.

didnt work, thanks tho

I am experiencing the same issue. Make a support ticket

Aite thanks

How do i check replies to my support ticket tho?

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Thanks but idk what the different servers are called to be able to get to them?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Is there any other way to fix me being able to connect to rather than having to get to games through kitpvp?


the server crashed, so you won’t be able to join. but you can go through the ips and once the server is back up. the hub for munchymc is

Mostly everything is broken right now, the dev team is looking into it now, sorry for the inconvenience




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thx :slight_smile:

they are trying to fix

mhm thanks :slight_smile:

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